9 Bedford Row International to hold Counter Piracy Conference 8 February 2013 Event: Counter Piracy Conference 9 Bedford Row International Date: Friday 8th February 2013 Location: HQS Wellington, Victoria Embankment, London, WC2R 2PN “Rules for the Use of Force – Counter Piracy: International Legal Conference” will thoroughly explore the legal aspects of establishing a concise and clear benchmark set of rules that can be used by Privately Contracted Armed Security Personnel in the maritime domain to defend themselves and their clients. The conference will be hosted by the Security Association for the Maritime Industry, the International Group at 9 Bedford Row, London with Barrister and author of the 100 Series Rules - David Hammond. This high profile event brings together Maritime Lawyers, flag States, International Shipping Associations, Insurance and P&I Clubs, PMSCs (Legal & Compliance /Operations Managers) and other interested parties. - Overview of the 100 Series and development (David Hammond)
- Criminal Legal Review of the 100 Series and the test for acts in lawful self defence to protect merchant ships (Steven Kay QC)
- Commercial Overview (Stephen Askins - Ince & Co)
- Academic Comment – (Douglas Guilfoyle)
- Scenario Based Briefing
- Panel discussion
- Chairman’s Roundup
Comments: |  | Categories TagsSteven Kay, Gillian Higgins, Peter Glenser, News, Bosnia, Algeria, ACHPR, Malawi, Eichmann, ICTY, Mladic, Bangladesh, Senegal, Zimbabwe, Afghanistan, Extradition, SOAS, 9 Bedford Row, ICC, Sudan, Chad, France, Beslan, Libya, 9BRi, STL, 9BRi, David Scheffer, News, Poland, Armenia, Lebanon, Croatia, Haiti, Cambodia, David Scheffer, News, Ratko Mladic, Morocco, Bashar al-Assad, Syria, 9BRi, Gillian Higgins, Cameroon, Steven Kay QC, Gillian Higgins, Toby Cadman, 9BRi, John Cammegh, David Young, William Schabas, Khmer Rouge, Turkey, Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty, Russia, Yugoslavia, News, Kenya, Daniel Joyner, Tanzania, Steven Kay QC, 9BRi, Beslan, Cote d’Ivoire, ICT, STL, ICLB, ICDL, 9BRi, Gaddafi, ICC, ARC, Steven Kay QC, Mexico, RWN, Syria, Norway, ICTY Archive |