The International Criminal Law blog

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The International Criminal Law blog

Book Launch: Unimaginable Atrocities, by William Schabas

1 May 2012 by Administrator

Professor William A. Schabas will today launch his book ‘Unimaginable Atrocities: Justice, Politics, and Rights at the War Crimes Tribunals.’ The book launch will be hosted by Sir Geoffrey Nice at Middlesex University’s Hendon campus at 5.30 pm.


About the book:

  • Highlights critical debates and controversies facing international criminal courts and tribunals, such as the tensions between peace and justice, and between fair trial rights and the need to secure a conviction.
  • Presents fresh analysis of these issues from an interdisciplinary perspective and offers innovative solutions.
  • Written by one of the undisputed authorities on international crimes and war crimes tribunals.
  • Accessible and clear style makes the book a good read for lawyers and non‐specialists alike.


Please click here for further information.







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